Implemented several Coulomb wavefunctions: CoulombF, CoulombG, CoulombH1 and CoulombH2.New linear algebra functions: Adjugate, DrazinInverse and CoreNilpotentDecomposition.Create convenient aliases for context names using $ContextAliases.Version 13.0 adds a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.Mathematica is built to be connected to everything: file formats.

Mathematica is now seamlessly integrated with the cloud.Mathematica has access to the vast Wolfram Knowledgebase.Get started with almost any project with help from 150,000+ examples.Mathematica presents your results beautifully instantly creating.With its intuitive English-like function names and coherent design.Mathematica uses the Wolfram Notebook Interface.Mathematica draws on its algorithmic power.Mathematica is built to provide industrial-strength capabilities.Mathematica provides a progressively higher-level environment.Mathematica builds in unprecedentedly powerful algorithms across.Mathematica excels across all areas of technical computing.Building on three decades of development.Mathematica has nearly 5,000 built-in functions covering all areas.

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